Licensed Acupuncturist
Over 40 Years of Experience
Engaged in Continuous Training
Acupuncture works by balancing the flow of Qi through energy pathways called meridians. These Meridians or channels connect the interior of the body with the exterior, so treatment of various acupuncture points on the surface of the body will influence movement inside the body. Because the Meridian system unifies the physical, mental, and emotion/spirit levels, patients benefit in multiple ways from Acupuncture treatment as their initial complaints are addressed and they experience a heightened sense of relaxation and well being.
While Americans enjoy the highest standard of living in the world, we continue to suffer from chronic and debilitating illness and disorders, many related to the physical and mental tensions commonly termed "stress". The Chinese call this general state of tension, Wai qiang nei gan , "the outside strong, the inside rots." Traditional Acupuncture is particularly useful in such conditions as it addresses the deeper, underlying root of disease rather than relying on symptomatic treatment alone.
Traditional Acupuncture is especially useful in stress related conditions as it addresses the deeper, underlying root of the disease rather than relying on symptomatic treatment alone.
Actual illness, or symptoms of disorders, need not be present to benefit from Traditional Acupuncture. Acupuncture is known to activate the immune system, enliven the senses, and offer a sense of alert calm. Healthy individuals can benefit from this supportive complementary health care.
Acupuncture needles are extremely fine and flexible, about the diameter of two human hairs. The needles are sterile, individually packaged and disposed of after each use. Treatment sensations vary from person to person. Some patients report a sense of heaviness or electricity in the area of insertion, while others experience little or no discomfort and may actually fall asleep during treatment.
Rosalie Baker Lambeth and Associates LLC to learn more!
Activate Your Immune System With Our Treatment
Call us for an appointment!
(717) 920-1501
"Rosalie is trained and highly skilled in both Western and Chinese traditions. Highly recommended."
- Catherine Campbell
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